Impact Group
NorthStar Genetics - OOH
At Impact Group, a design agency that specialized in work for agricultural clients, I was challenged with creating a variety of print and digital materials that reflected each clients individual brand guidelines. Doesn’t sound all that challenging when you put it like that, but when every client is an ag company with a variety of green shades to it’s core it’s a bit trickier to make sure each is distinctly different from the next.
Featured is a selection of work I did in collaboration with the design team at Impact Group for NorthStar Genetics that included a billboard design, vinyl signage for trade show booths, and a pull-up banner. The unique thing with these elements is that they are all large. The challenge here was to get the message across while grabbing the attention and engaging the viewer. Too much text would cause these large scale elements to be too overwhelming, where as not enough text would render the object useless in its goal. The solution was to use one strong image in each instance and use as little amount of text as possible to get the point across.

Nominate a Farm Star - Campaign Design
NorthStar Genetics wanted to run a campaign where folks could nominate a ‘farm star’ in their community for a chance to be selected as one of four cash prize winners. The design team at Impact Group was in charge of creating all the print and digital materials to go along with this campaign. The visuals needed to match the core of ‘farm’ while also bringing in the whimsical side to ‘star’.

Postcard Nomination Form

Postcard Nomination Form

Promotional Poster

Contest Details